April Holiday Development Camp
April 19-22, 2021 (Monday to Thursday)
April 27-30, 2021 (Tuesday to Friday)
4-Days a WEEK!
Half Day time: 9am to 12pm (drop off from 8.45am)
Full day session times: 9am to 3pm (drop off from 8.45am)
Half Days - $125 per week
Full Days - $200 per week
Academy Shirt (Required) - $25
Registration Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdxsSyKASJEkCtj65cz3Qbt23vuqVEjKFttKmpRLwb20Dxm7A/viewform?usp=pp_url
Rongomai Park, 238 Te Irirangi Drive, Flat Bush - Across from Botany Junction
(South Auckland Rangers Grounds)
Payment Information:
Bank: ASB
Account number: 1234 27016679100
Name of account: Horace James
Please insert below details so payment can be correctly allocated:
Particulars: Child’s Name
Reference: SARApr21
NB: Payment is required prior to the start of programme
There are limited spaces available
Register Today to avoid “Missing Out”!
What to bring:
Snack and Lunch (for full day option)
Football boots (preferred) or sneakers
Shin pads (optional)
Drink bottle (with water) and juice
Hat (optional)
Rain Jacket, a towel and change of clothes (clothing change optional)
Rainy Weather/Cancellation Policy:
HJ Elite Soccer Holiday programme will NOT be cancelled for any reason.
In the event of inclement weather the camp will be held indoors in the Rongomai Park Club House that is appropriately equipped.
Rongomai Park, 238 Te Irirangi Drive, Flat Bush - Across from Botany Junction
(South Auckland Rangers Grounds)
Payment Information:
Bank: ASB
Account number: 1234 27016679100
Name of account: Horace James
Please insert below details so payment can be correctly allocated:
Particulars: Child’s Name
Reference: SARApr21
NB: Payment is required prior to the start of programme
There are limited spaces available
Register Today to avoid “Missing Out”!
What to bring:
Snack and Lunch (for full day option)
Football boots (preferred) or sneakers
Shin pads (optional)
Drink bottle (with water) and juice
Hat (optional)
Rain Jacket, a towel and change of clothes (clothing change optional)
Rainy Weather/Cancellation Policy:
HJ Elite Soccer Holiday programme will NOT be cancelled for any reason.
In the event of inclement weather the camp will be held indoors in the Rongomai Park Club House that is appropriately equipped.