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As a leading sports club in South Auckland and along with Auckland Council, we are committed to protecting and preserving the environment for future generations. We recognize the impact that our operations have on the environment and are dedicated to reducing our carbon footprint and implementing sustainable practices.

We pledge to take the following actions to minimize our impact on the environment:

  • Implement energy-efficient practices to reduce our energy consumption

  • Conserve water by using low-flow fixtures and recycling rainwater

  • Encourage sustainable transportation among our members

  • Implement a comprehensive waste management program to reduce and properly dispose of waste

  • Incorporate biodiversity and conservation efforts into our operations

  • Engage with our local community to promote environmental sustainability

  • Continuously monitor and reduce our carbon footprint.

  • In our community. We encourage our suppliers and members to join us in our efforts to protect the environment and make a positive impact


"Together, we can make a difference."

South Auckland Rangers Environmental Policy

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